Halloween card

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The mysterious symbol


This symbol appeared in the card Zodiac sent to Paul Avery on Oct 27, 1970. It also appeared on the envelope the card came in.

Card symbol 1.png

Card symbol 2.png

It is sometimes called the "VF" symbol.

Interpretations and comparisons


Cattle Brands

  • Red Ryder ranch cattle brand symbol ("flying V F bar")
    • Details
    • Image (the brand appears on the cow in the upper right corner):

Red ryder ranch.jpg

  • Example of that brand on a live cow:

Running brand dsc 0069.jpg


Veluzat farm.jpg

Bird / Bat

The "Claude" AI gave this interpretation of the image: "This symbol appears to be a simple line drawing resembling a stylized bird or bat shape, with two angled lines forming what could be interpreted as wings, and two dots suggesting eyes."




  • A method of finding the symbol in Z340
  • Mason marks
  • Another idea about finding the symbol in Z340
  • A stylized form of pigpen cipher
  • Combined symbols from Z408 (/, V, and F).
    • They would decode to K, B, and S, respectively (source: comment by Seedy on Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 12 )
      • "How odd would it be that those initials K.B.S. show up in the 408 cipher as the fourth letter of the first line. The second letter of the second line. With S being the eighth letter of the third line. Maybe K.B.S. Is a birthdate? 4-2-8. The second half of the 408 cipher at the 4-2-8 spelled M.I.T. The third section spelled out A.C.E. There is a doctor of chemistry that went to work at M.I.T. sometime after the 408 was written. His initials are K.B.S. Maybe his nickname was Ace? His first and last name fit the Z13. He was living in Palo Alto at the time some of the letters were mailed in."
  • A reference to Z340's transposition scheme


  • Wide flange beam. From Robert Graysmith's book "Zodiac":

As for the new Zodiac symbol, readers as far away as Detroit wrote to say it represented a Wide Flange Beam, a structural steel shape used in building construction. Some felt that Zodiac was some sort of civil engineer.

Gang Symbology


Maps / Geography




  • Kevin Robert Brooks, whose suspect is Donald Bujok, said VF4 (or just 4F) is a military classification for mentally unfit. (source)


Other symbology

Similar logos

Writing systems / early alphabets

  • Bat Creek inscription
    • Apparently a Newsweek article about the Bat Creek Stone was published just one week before the Zodiac mailed the Halloween card (source)
    • Excerpted symbol from the full image:


Other aspects of the Halloween Card

  • Applying +9 Caesar shift to "BY GUN" yields "KHPDW". Decoding "KHPDW" with Z408 key yields "STINE", as in Paul Stine. (Source: Jade Goldstone)