Cipher comparisons

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This is a comparison of various calculations applied to a large assortment of cipher texts, including the Zodiac ciphers. The purpose is to provide some quantitative ways to compare the cipher texts to each other.

Cipher texts

In the table below are 78 different cipher texts. Ciphers with known solutions are displayed with green backgrounds. Unsolved ciphers have white backgrounds. Each cipher is linked to the transcription that was used to generate the computations. Due to the use of the symbol "?" during gapped n-gram analysis, any transcription that uses it was modified to replace every occurrence of "?" with an alternate symbol. Also, any transcription that uses multiple letters to represent individual symbols or glyphs of cipher text have been modified to use single letters or symbols. Also, each transcription is a stream of text on a single line. This was done for the convenience of obtaining the calculations.

The original Zodiac ciphers appear towards the top of the results. Exploratory variations of the 340- and 408-character ciphers are also included.

Many test ciphers I've collected over the years are also included in the table.

The results also include other famous unsolved ciphers, such as the Beale ciphers, D'Agapeyeff cipher, Dorabella cipher, Feynman ciphers, Kryptos, and the Voynich manuscript.

Please let me know of any errors you find, or of other ciphers you want to add to this table.

Explanation of columns

Click on the little arrows in the table headings to sort the table by that column. The columns contain the following information:

  • #: The cipher number
  • Cipher: Description of the cipher text
  • Len: Total number of characters in the cipher text
  • S: Number of unique symbols in the cipher alphabet
  • M: Multiplicity (S divided by Len). Lower multiplicity values indicate higher numbers of constraints on substitution ciphers, making them easier to solve. High multiplicity values indicate larger degrees of freedom on substitution ciphers, making them much harder to solve.
  • IOC: Index of Coincidence: A useful calculation in the analysis of cipher text.
  • Chi^2: The chi^2 test calculation, a useful calculation in the analysis of cipher text.
  • Entropy: A calculation of the amount of information (in bits) per letter of input text. (More info)
  • n2: The total number of distinct 2-grams that repeat in the cipher text. For example, if the cipher text is ABABABCDEFCD, we see that AB occurs three times, and CD occurs twice. Thus n2 is equal to 2.
  • n3: The total number of distinct 3-grams that repeat in the cipher text.
  • n4: The total number of distinct 4-grams that repeat in the cipher text.
  • nt: A weighted sum of n2, n3, and n4, calculated by: (n2/4) + (n3/2) + n4.
  • g2: The total number of distinct 2-grams, with gaps, that repeat in the cipher text. For example, consider the cipher text AXYBAVWBATUBCDECXE. The pattern A??B appears three times, and the pattern C?E appears twice (where "?" represents any single cipher letter). Thus, g2 is equal to 2.
  • g3: The total number of distinct 3-grams, with gaps, that repeat in the cipher text.
  • g4: The total number of distinct 4-grams, with gaps, that repeat in the cipher text.
  • gt: A weighted sum of g2, g3, and g4, calculated by: (g2/4) + (g3/2) + g4.
  • t: The sum of nt and gt, used to score all the repeated n-grams (gapped and non-gapped) that appear in the cipher text, where n can be 2, 3, or 4.
  • t/len: The n-gram score averaged out over the entire length of cipher text. Given two ciphers, the one with higher t/len suggests more internal structure compared to the other.
  • cs sum: The sum of maximum cosine similarities found for each cipher text symbol. "Cosine similarity" is a measurement of similarity between the distribution of symbols in the cipher text. It is based on a technique used by Knight et. al to cluster cipher text symbols that behave similarly, suggesting that they decode to the same plaintext letter. Here we compute cs sum by first considering all possible pairs of symbols in the cipher alphabet. The cosine similarity is computed for each of these pairs. Then, for each unique symbol in the cipher text alphabet, we preserve only the maximum cosine similarity that was found in any pair that involves the symbol. All such maximums are then summed to produce a total cosine similarity.
  • cs min: The smallest cosine similarity found when analyzing all possible pairs of cipher text symbols.
  • cs max: The highest cosine similarity found when analyzing all possible pairs of cipher text symbols.
  • cs mean: This is the cs sum calculation averaged over the number of symbols in the cipher text alphabet. Given two homophonic substitution ciphers, the one with the higher cs mean value implies it has more symbols on average that behave like other symbols.
  • h sum: A computation of two-symbol homophone sequences (patterns). This is computed by looking at all possible pairs of cipher text symbols. For each pair, we look for repeated sequences that occur when all the other cipher text symbols are removed. These repeated sequences happen if the cipher text author used sequential assignments of symbols for the same underlying plaintext letter. For each symbol, the longest repeated sequence in which it participates is retained, and the number of repetitions is noted. Then, h sum is computed by summing the number of repetitions associated with each symbol.
  • h min: This is the smallest number of repetitions found during the search for two-symbol homophone sequences.
  • h max: This is the largest number of repetitions found during the search for two-symbol homophone sequences.
  • h mean: This is h sum averaged over the number of symbols in the cipher text alphabet. A high value suggests strong use of sequential assignment of cipher symbols to plaintext letters.
  • total score (sums): An overall score produced by a product of t, cs sum, and h sum. This score is an attempt to quantify the overall internal structure of a cipher text.
  • total score (means): An overall score produced by a product of t/len, cs mean, and h mean. This score is an attempt to quantify the overall internal structure of a cipher text.

TODO: Figure out why IoC for Voynich is negative.

Table of results

NOTE: Some of the cipher transcriptions won't look right in web browsers due to extended character sets. They only display properly if the text encoding setting in the browser is set to Unicode. However, if you download the file to your computer, it should display properly when you open it there.

# Cipher Len S M IOC chi^2 entropy n2 n3 n4 nt g2 g3 g4 gt t t/len cs sum cs min cs max cs mean h sum h min h max h mean total score (sums) total score (means) more info
0 Z340: Zodiac killer's unsolved 340 cipher 340 63 0.185 0.019 0.404 5.745 21 2 0 6.250 67 10 1 22.750 29.000 0.085 21.763 0.204 0.577 0.345 305 1 10 4.841 1.92E5 0.143 Transcription
1 Z408: Zodiac killer's solved 408 cipher 408 54 0.132 0.018 0.128 5.660 47 10 2 18.750 97 41 16 60.750 79.500 0.195 20.315 0.218 0.570 0.376 363 1 10 6.722 5.86E5 0.493 Transcription
2 Z13: Zodiac killer's unsolved 13-char cipher 13 8 0.615 0.077 0.183 2.873 0 0 0 0.000 1 0 0 0.250 0.250 0.019 3.777 0.000 0.816 0.472 12 1 2 1.500 1.13E1 0.014 Transcription
3 Z32: Zodiac killer's unsolved 32-char cipher 32 29 0.906 0.006 0.076 4.812 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.633 0.000 0.500 0.125 31 1 2 1.069 0E0 0.000 Transcription
4 Z340 Reading from top to bottom and left to right 340 63 0.185 0.019 0.404 5.745 18 1 0 5.000 64 10 2 23.000 28.000 0.082 21.810 0.185 0.474 0.346 283 1 8 4.492 1.73E5 0.128 Transcription
5 Z340 Horizontal flip 340 63 0.185 0.019 0.404 5.745 25 2 0 7.250 67 9 1 22.250 29.500 0.087 22.123 0.204 0.577 0.351 304 1 9 4.825 1.98E5 0.147 Transcription
6 Z340 Best version from quadrant experiment 2 340 63 0.185 0.019 0.404 5.745 18 3 0 6.000 66 7 1 21.000 27.000 0.079 22.326 0.204 0.577 0.354 305 1 10 4.841 1.84E5 0.136 Transcription
7 Z340 Re-arrangement by Jurgen Koller 340 63 0.185 0.020 0.410 5.742 21 2 0 6.250 62 8 1 20.500 26.750 0.079 22.148 0.204 0.577 0.352 302 1 10 4.794 1.79E5 0.133 Transcription
8 Z340 Re-arrangement by Nick Pelling 340 63 0.185 0.019 0.404 5.745 18 0 0 4.500 63 8 0 19.750 24.250 0.071 22.797 0.236 0.510 0.362 311 1 10 4.937 1.72E5 0.127 Transcription
9 Z340 All + symbols removed 316 62 0.196 0.017 0.242 5.786 17 2 0 5.250 49 5 0 14.750 20.000 0.063 20.275 0.204 0.436 0.327 289 1 8 4.661 1.17E5 0.096 Transcription
10 Z340 All + symbols replaced by unique symbols 340 85 0.250 0.015 0.496 6.057 16 2 0 5.000 48 6 0 15.000 20.000 0.059 30.609 0.222 0.756 0.360 312 1 8 3.671 1.91E5 0.078 Transcription
11 Z340 Top half only 170 63 0.371 0.018 0.500 5.694 8 0 0 2.000 21 3 0 6.750 8.750 0.051 24.218 0.204 0.612 0.384 154 1 5 2.444 3.26E4 0.048 Transcription
12 Z340 Bottom half only 170 60 0.353 0.018 0.437 5.646 1 0 0 0.250 25 3 0 7.750 8.000 0.047 22.711 0.177 0.707 0.379 158 1 7 2.633 2.87E4 0.047 Transcription
13 Z340 In oxcart path by kfreeze 340 63 0.185 0.019 0.404 5.745 23 3 0 7.250 63 7 1 20.250 27.500 0.081 23.073 0.239 0.612 0.366 306 1 9 4.857 1.94E5 0.144 Transcription
14 Z408 Random permutation of rows 408 54 0.132 0.018 0.128 5.660 40 6 1 14.000 94 16 2 33.500 47.500 0.116 19.935 0.239 0.486 0.369 346 1 10 6.407 3.28E5 0.275 Transcription
15 Z408 Grid-oriented permutation used for structure-based seearches 408 54 0.132 0.018 0.128 5.660 43 5 1 14.250 75 13 2 27.250 41.500 0.102 19.241 0.224 0.474 0.356 353 1 10 6.537 2.82E5 0.237 Transcription
16 Z408 Best version from quadrant experiment 2 408 54 0.132 0.018 0.128 5.660 38 6 1 13.500 102 29 11 51.000 64.500 0.158 19.908 0.224 0.522 0.369 360 1 10 6.667 4.62E5 0.389 Transcription
17 Z408 1st section only 136 51 0.375 0.017 0.252 5.508 5 0 0 1.250 17 3 0 5.750 7.000 0.051 18.940 0.177 0.707 0.371 128 1 5 2.510 1.7E4 0.048 Transcription
18 Z408 2nd section only 136 54 0.397 0.015 0.185 5.614 6 1 0 2.000 11 4 1 5.750 7.750 0.057 20.846 0.000 0.707 0.386 132 1 4 2.444 2.13E4 0.054 Transcription
19 Z408 3rd section only 136 51 0.375 0.019 0.318 5.461 5 0 0 1.250 9 1 0 2.750 4.000 0.029 19.548 0.224 0.577 0.383 125 1 5 2.451 9.77E3 0.028 Transcription
20 Z408 Homophone set [ENWZ6p+] replaced by single symbol [Z] 408 48 0.118 0.033 0.721 5.291 61 19 7 31.750 151 116 73 168.750 200.500 0.491 23.165 0.293 0.835 0.483 347 1 13 7.229 1.61E6 1.715 Transcription
21 Z408 Homophone set [HIL5] replaced by single symbol [H] 408 51 0.125 0.024 0.345 5.490 53 10 2 20.250 120 55 18 75.500 95.750 0.235 21.863 0.189 0.809 0.429 361 1 14 7.078 7.56E5 0.712 Transcription
22 Z408 Homophone set [FK7@] replaced by single symbol [F] 408 51 0.125 0.020 0.156 5.564 52 12 3 22.000 110 54 26 80.500 102.500 0.251 20.518 0.224 0.570 0.402 360 1 11 7.059 7.57E5 0.713 Transcription
23 Z408 Homophone set [TXd!] replaced by single symbol [T] 408 51 0.125 0.022 0.230 5.530 57 12 3 23.250 124 58 27 87.000 110.250 0.270 20.898 0.189 0.570 0.410 359 1 12 7.039 8.27E5 0.779 Transcription
24 Z408 Homophone set [DO(^] replaced by single symbol [D] 408 51 0.125 0.021 0.186 5.549 49 11 4 21.750 111 53 24 78.250 100.000 0.245 20.429 0.224 0.522 0.401 360 1 12 7.059 7.35E5 0.693 Transcription
25 Z408 Homophone set [PU9k] replaced by single symbol [P] 408 51 0.125 0.027 0.506 5.446 57 17 5 27.750 127 70 24 90.750 118.500 0.290 22.609 0.224 0.766 0.443 354 1 12 6.941 9.48E5 0.894 Transcription
26 Z408 Homophone set [GS8l] replaced by single symbol [G] 408 51 0.125 0.022 0.219 5.534 53 11 2 20.750 111 48 17 68.750 89.500 0.219 20.928 0.218 0.654 0.410 359 1 12 7.039 6.72E5 0.634 Transcription
27 Z408 Homophone set [rt\] replaced by single symbol [r] 408 52 0.127 0.020 0.161 5.587 51 10 2 19.750 107 41 16 63.250 83.000 0.203 20.793 0.224 0.600 0.400 358 1 10 6.885 6.18E5 0.560 Transcription
28 Z408 Homophone set [B#%] replaced by single symbol [B] 408 52 0.127 0.023 0.313 5.532 48 13 4 22.500 113 64 27 87.250 109.750 0.269 21.161 0.218 0.590 0.407 349 1 10 6.712 8.11E5 0.735 Transcription
29 Z408 Homophone set [M)] replaced by single symbol [M] 408 53 0.130 0.019 0.148 5.621 50 11 2 20.000 103 46 17 65.750 85.750 0.210 20.607 0.218 0.570 0.389 359 1 10 6.774 6.34E5 0.554 Transcription
30 Z408 Homophone set [JQ] replaced by single symbol [J] 408 53 0.130 0.019 0.126 5.633 49 10 2 19.250 98 42 16 61.500 80.750 0.198 20.187 0.218 0.570 0.381 360 1 10 6.792 5.87E5 0.512 Transcription
31 Z408 Homophone set [fz] replaced by single symbol [f] 408 53 0.130 0.019 0.115 5.643 48 10 2 19.000 97 41 16 60.750 79.750 0.195 20.044 0.218 0.570 0.378 362 1 10 6.830 5.79E5 0.505 Transcription
32 Z408 Reduced to simple substitution cipher 408 23 0.056 0.065 0.550 4.160 84 56 31 80.000 274 486 342 653.500 733.500 1.798 14.873 0.471 0.821 0.647 290 1 23 12.609 3.16E6 14.658 Transcription
33 Z408 With Rod's corrections 408 53 0.130 0.020 0.168 5.616 51 13 2 21.250 103 46 17 65.750 87.000 0.213 21.041 0.204 0.570 0.397 369 1 12 6.962 6.75E5 0.589 Transcription
34 Test cipher by alanbenjy (very difficult, unsolved) 320 128 0.400 0.007 0.275 6.816 5 0 0 1.250 7 0 0 1.750 3.000 0.009 44.573 0.200 0.707 0.348 298 1 5 2.328 3.98E4 0.008 Transcription
35 Test cipher by ALisowky 340 65 0.191 0.019 0.437 5.768 18 2 1 6.500 66 15 4 28.000 34.500 0.101 26.048 0.224 0.816 0.401 303 1 10 4.662 2.72E5 0.190 Transcription
36 Test cipher by ALisowky (Vigenere) 341 26 0.076 0.043 0.187 4.563 73 13 2 26.750 211 120 63 175.750 202.500 0.594 14.164 0.433 0.634 0.545 230 5 11 8.846 6.6E5 2.862 Transcription
37 Test cipher by ALisowky (Vigenere plus homophonic) 341 63 0.185 0.020 0.417 5.738 19 1 0 5.250 66 21 6 33.000 38.250 0.112 23.186 0.183 0.577 0.368 291 1 9 4.619 2.58E5 0.191 Transcription
38 Test cipher by Bryianzum (part 1) 318 33 0.104 0.040 0.422 4.752 57 15 6 27.750 157 119 88 186.750 214.500 0.675 16.740 0.259 0.760 0.507 262 1 16 7.939 9.41E5 2.717 Transcription
39 Test cipher by ccactus (no E's, with encoding errors) 340 63 0.185 0.018 0.318 5.757 24 1 0 6.500 63 19 13 38.250 44.750 0.132 22.863 0.218 0.530 0.363 301 1 9 4.778 3.08E5 0.228 Transcription
40 Test cipher by gardi 340 65 0.191 0.019 0.453 5.723 29 4 1 10.250 72 37 33 69.500 79.750 0.235 25.189 0.000 0.612 0.388 288 1 9 4.431 5.79E5 0.403 Transcription
41 Test cipher by glurk (1) 340 64 0.188 0.016 0.218 5.827 18 1 0 5.000 43 7 1 15.250 20.250 0.060 23.664 0.224 0.707 0.370 286 1 8 4.469 1.37E5 0.098 Transcription
42 Test cipher by glurk (2) 340 63 0.185 0.016 0.203 5.826 28 2 0 8.000 51 8 1 17.750 25.750 0.076 22.785 0.213 0.548 0.362 291 1 7 4.619 1.71E5 0.127 Transcription
43 Test cipher by King/Bahler 200 35 0.175 0.028 0.137 5.008 19 1 0 5.250 54 10 1 19.500 24.750 0.124 13.876 0.254 0.502 0.396 187 1 8 5.343 6.42E4 0.262 Transcription
44 Test cipher by kiuku 330 63 0.191 0.021 0.530 5.676 31 1 0 8.250 61 8 1 20.250 28.500 0.086 24.180 0.205 0.586 0.384 286 1 11 4.540 1.97E5 0.150 Transcription
45 Test cipher by Michael Eaton 340 61 0.179 0.018 0.261 5.759 30 3 0 9.000 53 13 1 20.750 29.750 0.087 21.401 0.224 0.520 0.351 307 1 9 5.033 1.95E5 0.154 Transcription
46 Test cipher by mikec 340 63 0.185 0.017 0.268 5.776 39 1 0 10.250 57 18 3 26.250 36.500 0.107 23.861 0.224 0.612 0.379 288 1 8 4.571 2.51E5 0.186 Transcription
47 Test cipher from Nin (transposition cipher) 340 26 0.076 0.038 0.065 4.652 59 3 0 16.250 191 48 6 77.750 94.000 0.276 13.360 0.434 0.588 0.514 241 7 12 9.269 3.03E5 1.317 Transcription
48 Test cipher by RayN 378 55 0.146 0.019 0.194 5.639 45 3 0 12.750 86 22 3 35.500 48.250 0.128 20.531 0.236 0.535 0.373 354 1 10 6.436 3.51E5 0.307 Transcription
49 Test cipher by smithy 340 60 0.176 0.018 0.235 5.747 26 3 0 8.000 67 20 7 33.750 41.750 0.123 21.943 0.250 0.500 0.366 314 1 10 5.233 2.88E5 0.235 Transcription
50 Test cipher from Thing of the Day 169 23 0.136 0.068 0.689 4.097 32 8 2 14.000 91 71 26 84.250 98.250 0.581 14.007 0.406 0.762 0.609 147 1 14 6.391 2.02E5 2.263 Transcription
51 Test cipher by Tony Baloney (1) 340 63 0.185 0.019 0.385 5.776 26 2 0 7.500 52 10 1 19.000 26.500 0.078 23.990 0.204 0.569 0.381 308 1 11 4.889 1.96E5 0.145 Transcription
52 Test cipher by Tony Baloney (2) 340 71 0.209 0.015 0.260 5.954 25 0 0 6.250 48 6 0 15.000 21.250 0.062 26.078 0.214 0.619 0.367 311 1 7 4.380 1.72E5 0.101 Transcription
53 Test cipher by Unsub 306 53 0.173 0.019 0.201 5.577 26 1 0 7.000 69 16 5 30.250 37.250 0.122 20.322 0.245 0.612 0.383 301 1 12 5.679 2.28E5 0.265 Transcription
54 Test cipher - Stage 3 Italian homophonic from Simon Singh's code challenge 1122 27 0.024 0.075 1.038 4.176 172 219 132 284.500 625 2483 2999 4396.750 4681.250 4.172 20.793 0.398 0.921 0.770 903 4 91 33.444 8.79E7 107.462 Transcription
55 Beale cipher #1 520 298 0.573 0.003 0.492 7.946 1 0 0 0.250 5 0 0 1.250 1.500 0.003 102.033 0.000 0.707 0.342 496 1 5 1.664 7.59E4 0.002 Transcription
56 Beale cipher #2 763 180 0.236 0.008 0.711 7.049 39 3 0 11.250 60 8 0 19.000 30.250 0.040 65.283 0.000 0.707 0.363 688 1 11 3.822 1.36E6 0.055 Transcription
57 Beale cipher #3 618 264 0.427 0.005 0.645 7.677 2 0 0 0.500 14 0 0 3.500 4.000 0.006 84.599 0.000 0.500 0.320 590 1 10 2.235 2E5 0.005 Transcription
58 BTK code 24 19 0.792 0.022 0.188 4.137 1 0 0 0.250 2 1 0 1.000 1.250 0.052 6.605 0.000 1.000 0.348 22 1 2 1.158 1.82E2 0.021 Transcription
59 Copiale Cipher 76881 132 0.002 0.065 1.349 6.055 3536 13300 9522 17056.000 15007 205201 179787 286139.250 303195.250 3.944 101.110 0.004 0.987 0.766 57761 1 1459 437.583 1.77E12 1321.858 Transcription
60 Copiale Cipher (newlines removed) 75061 131 0.002 0.076 1.368 6.037 3462 12735 9586 16819.000 14586 201534 195383 299796.500 316615.500 4.218 97.570 0.216 0.984 0.745 55724 1 1457 425.374 1.72E12 1336.395 Transcription
61 D'Agapeyeff cipher 395 10 0.025 0.123 0.248 3.118 35 94 90 145.750 122 1438 5029 5778.500 5924.250 14.998 8.348 0.279 0.964 0.835 260 2 34 26.000 1.29E7 325.532 Transcription
62 Donna Lass poster cipher 29 16 0.552 0.054 0.389 3.759 1 0 0 0.250 4 1 0 1.500 1.750 0.060 8.144 0.236 0.707 0.509 21 1 2 1.312 2.99E2 0.040 Transcription
63 Dorabella cipher 87 20 0.230 0.059 0.387 4.030 16 4 1 7.000 32 24 22 42.000 49.000 0.563 9.546 0.258 0.632 0.477 67 1 6 3.350 3.13E4 0.901 Transcription
64 Feynman cipher 1 (solved) 380 23 0.061 0.072 0.708 4.060 86 20 2 33.500 270 342 141 379.500 413.000 1.087 15.844 0.552 0.861 0.689 273 1 26 11.870 1.79E6 8.887 Transcription
65 Feynman cipher 2 (unsolved) 261 26 0.100 0.045 0.267 4.510 49 13 5 23.750 137 94 37 118.250 142.000 0.544 13.834 0.354 0.726 0.532 207 2 15 7.962 4.07E5 2.305 Transcription
66 Feynman cipher 3 (unsolved) 231 26 0.113 0.043 0.225 4.532 43 6 0 13.750 112 55 13 68.500 82.250 0.356 12.860 0.329 0.645 0.495 183 1 12 7.038 1.94E5 1.240 Transcription
67 Kryptos part 1 (solved) 63 23 0.365 0.038 0.223 4.354 6 3 2 5.000 13 7 3 9.750 14.750 0.234 9.557 0.204 0.750 0.416 55 1 4 2.391 7.75E3 0.233 Transcription
68 Kryptos part 2 (solved) 373 27 0.072 0.045 0.273 4.551 78 16 4 31.500 239 120 32 151.750 183.250 0.491 15.166 0.463 0.659 0.562 277 3 16 10.259 7.7E5 2.831 Transcription
69 Kryptos part 3 (solved) 336 24 0.071 0.066 0.654 4.127 75 17 2 29.250 244 203 66 228.500 257.750 0.767 15.549 0.289 0.784 0.648 246 1 23 10.250 9.86E5 5.094 Transcription
70 Kryptos part 4 (unsolved) 98 27 0.276 0.035 0.220 4.590 10 0 0 2.500 14 1 0 4.000 6.500 0.066 11.143 0.267 0.516 0.413 79 1 5 2.926 5.72E3 0.080 Transcription
71 Michael D. Brown code 57 14 0.246 0.142 1.202 3.126 13 6 4 10.250 31 59 44 81.250 91.500 1.605 10.526 0.354 1.000 0.752 39 1 7 2.786 3.76E4 3.362 Transcription
72 Ricky McCormick code 773 32 0.041 0.080 1.592 4.097 114 104 69 149.500 376 1449 2131 2949.500 3099.000 4.009 22.002 0.456 0.959 0.688 658 1 84 20.562 4.49E7 56.680 Transcription
73 Tyler/Poe solved cipher 1 (See: 225 24 0.107 0.061 0.560 4.148 49 15 4 23.750 142 101 39 125.000 148.750 0.661 13.248 0.261 0.801 0.552 172 1 14 7.167 3.39E5 2.615 Transcription
74 Taman Shud code 44 17 0.386 0.074 0.616 3.707 3 0 0 0.750 10 4 1 5.500 6.250 0.142 9.085 0.289 0.750 0.534 37 1 4 2.176 2.1E3 0.165 Transcription
75 Voynich manuscript 110516 56 0.001 -1.512 3.655 3.981 568 2356 5656 6976.000 2504 69666 745808 781267.000 788243.000 7.132 42.885 0.023 0.999 0.766 92159 1 10951 1645.696 3.12E12 8988.822 Transcription
76 Voynich manuscript (whitespace removed) 89561 53 0.001 -1.196 3.498 3.897 557 2417 6025 7372.750 2197 63410 706952 739206.250 746579.000 8.336 39.219 0.023 0.998 0.740 66390 1 6978 1252.642 1.94E12 7726.872 Transcription
77 Zodiac 'copycat' cipher as found on Ed Neil's website 149 23 0.154 0.064 0.621 4.098 25 12 3 15.250 82 68 36 90.500 105.750 0.710 11.928 0.412 0.649 0.519 126 1 12 5.478 1.59E5 2.016 Transcription