Polyphone solver improvements
Jarl has added improvements to the polyphone solver. Details here.
Compute score for a given plaintext
Select the "Non-substitution" solver.
Before that feature was available, it was achievable like this: Use the "Substitution + crib grid" solver, click on Show cipher and then type in the letters of the plain text. Though you will have to leave one letter uncribbed for it to work.
Homophonic substitution with spaces
Sometimes a homophonic substitution cipher will encode spaces with one or more symbols. To solve it: Go to File, Load n-grams, navigate to AZdecrypt/N-grams/Spaces and select "5-grams_english+spaces_jarlve_reddit"
Before that method was available, one way was to select the Substitution + units solver with the standard settings, Unit: symbol, Mode: Remove and perhaps Multiplicity weight: 1. (Thread)
Using AZDecrypt to auto-insert spaces in input
Sometimes you have a plaintext that lacks spaces and want to automatically add spaces between words (or what might seem like words). Steps: