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== Visualization ==
== Visualization ==
== DIfferences ==
== Differences ==

Latest revision as of 07:03, 13 August 2018

This is a side-by-side comparison of the alphabets used in the 340 and 408 ciphers.





Column descriptions

  • Symbol: The ciphertext symbol as it appears in the original cipher.
  • ASCII: The ASCII version of the symbol, as per the Webtoy's transcription scheme.
  • 340 Count: The number of times this symbol appears in the 340-character cipher.
  • 408 Count: The number of times this symbol appears in the 408-character cipher.
  • Total: The total number of times this symbol appears in either or both ciphers.
  • Difference: The difference between the number of times this symbol appears in the 340-character cipher and the number of times it appears in the 408-character cipher (it is interesting when the difference is zero).
  • 408 Plaintext: If this symbol is used in the 408, this is the plaintext translation as discovered by the [Hardens].

Each row appears with a colored background. When the background is blue, the symbol appears only in the 408-character cipher. When the background is green, the symbol appears only in the 340-character cipher. When the background is gray, the symbol appears in both ciphers.

Click the box in the headings to sort by a specific column. Here are ways that this is useful:

  • Sorting by 340 Count or 408 Count will show you which symbols are frequently or seldom used in each cipher.
  • Sorting by Total will show you which symbols are frequently or seldom used in both ciphers.
  • Sorting by difference will show you which symbols have the same count in both ciphers.
  • Sorting by 408 Plaintext will show you the homophones used for each plaintext letter.


Symbol ASCII 340 Count 408 Count Total Difference 408 Plaintext
Funnyi.jpg ! 0 5 5 5 O
Sq.jpg # 5 10 15 5 L
Sqr.jpg % 2 11 13 9 L
Pf.jpg & 2 0 2 2
Theta.jpg ( 7 4 11 3 N
Phi.jpg ) 5 8 13 3 H
Sql.jpg * 6 0 6 6
Plus.jpg + 24 8 32 16 E
Dash.jpg - 5 0 5 5
Dot.jpg . 6 0 6 6
Slash.jpg / 3 6 9 3 K
N1.jpg 1 3 0 3 3
N2.jpg 2 9 0 9 9
N3.jpg 3 2 0 2 2
N4.jpg 4 6 0 6 6
N5.jpg 5 7 8 15 1 T
N6.jpg 6 3 8 11 5 E
N7.jpg 7 3 3 6 0 S (2 times) or A (1 time)
N8.jpg 8 4 8 12 4 A (4 times), S (3 times), or I (1 time)
N9.jpg 9 4 14 18 10 I (13 times) or W (1 time)
Idr.jpg : 2 0 2 2
Idl.jpg ; 3 0 3 3
Lt.jpg < 6 0 6 6
Sidek.jpg = 0 7 7 7 P
Gt.jpg > 4 0 4 4
Sqd.jpg @ 1 6 7 5 S
A.jpg A 2 8 10 6 W
B.jpg B 12 12 24 0 L
C.jpg C 5 0 5 5
D.jpg D 4 6 10 2 N
E.jpg E 3 9 12 6 E
F.jpg F 10 6 16 4 S
G.jpg G 6 7 13 1 A
H.jpg H 4 8 12 4 T
I.jpg I 0 11 11 11 T
J.jpg J 4 6 10 2 F
K.jpg K 7 5 12 2 S
L.jpg L 6 8 14 2 T
M.jpg M 7 8 15 1 H
N.jpg N 5 6 11 1 E (5 times) or T (1 time)
O.jpg O 10 7 17 3 N
P.jpg P 3 11 14 8 I
Q.jpg Q 0 5 5 5 F
R.jpg R 8 12 20 4 G
S.jpg S 4 6 10 2 A
T.jpg T 5 7 12 2 O
U.jpg U 5 10 15 5 I
V.jpg V 6 9 15 3 B
W.jpg W 6 9 15 3 E
X.jpg X 2 9 11 7 O
Y.jpg Y 4 10 14 6 U
Z.jpg Z 4 8 12 4 E
Backslash.jpg \ 0 5 5 5 R
Caret.jpg ^ 6 6 12 0 N
Sqe.jpg _ 3 8 11 5 Y
Bb.jpg b 3 0 3 3
Bc.jpg c 10 6 16 4 V
Bd.jpg d 5 6 11 1 O
Be.jpg e 0 10 10 10 C
Bf.jpg f 4 3 7 1 D
Bj.jpg j 2 1 3 1 X
Bk.jpg k 5 9 14 4 I
Bl.jpg l 7 5 12 2 A
Bp.jpg p 11 6 17 5 E
Bq.jpg q 2 16 18 14 M
Br.jpg r 0 7 7 7 R
Perp.jpg t 4 7 11 3 R
By.jpg y 5 0 5 5
Zodiac.jpg z 9 4 13 5 D
Bar.jpg | 10 0 10 10


  • The 340 cipher has 63 different ciphertext letters.
  • The 408 cipher has 54 different ciphertext letters.
  • B.jpg appears in both ciphers the same number of times (12 each).
  • Caret.jpg appears in both ciphers the same number of times (6 each).
  • N7.jpg appears in both ciphers the same number of times (3 each).
  • Six symbols are in the 408 and are not in the 340 (Seven if you treat I.jpg and Bar.jpg as different symbols):
    • Funnyi.jpg, Q.jpg, Backslash.jpg, Be.jpg, Br.jpg, Sidek.jpg
  • Fifteen symbols are in the 340 and are not in the 408 (Sixteen if you treat I.jpg and Bar.jpg as different symbols):
    • Pf.jpg, Dash.jpg, Dot.jpg, N1.jpg, N2.jpg, N3.jpg, N4.jpg, Idr.jpg, Idl.jpg, Lt.jpg, Gt.jpg, C.jpg, Bb.jpg, By.jpg, Sql.jpg
  • Click here for a more detailed analysis of the 408 solution. (Explanation)