Here is murders unusual. Policeman used, now Lieutenant Robert Officer, fifth I Zodiac is crazy Ray Hughes I.
I hate Ray! Crazy I Zodiac is first officially ruthless Louis (Gottlieb) now used Policeman, unusual massacre in history.
Evil Bob used murderers, Robert officer you poisoned educator. Bob Sheriff Officer in Napa woods. I Napa, Linda. (Christensen)
Log-cutter nigra innocent. Woods Napa I Officer Scwartz. Bought educator poison, you Officer Robert, murderers used big Edwards.
Robert Officer Zodiac in forest, I Linda, Napa. Innocent now nigra log-cutter. Bob as Policeman used Sheriff's Office.
Officer Schwartz used, Policeman a boob. Log-cutter nigra now innocent. Now Lieutenant in forest, I Zodiac Officer Robert.
Vicious Robert's gun killed Officer. Spoke, murderer used Dunbar a intelligent news-reporter KGO Station, Zodiac I.
I Zodiac Sheriff Officer got knifed near Irene and Donna. Used murderer shot Officer killed, gunned (Richard) Radetich viciously.
Policeman used, woods I cut Robert Zodiac. Irene, you poisoned. Fought I Officer Sheriff, stabbed often Officer Schwartz.
Stabbing over Officer shot. Sheriff Officer in forest you poisoned Irene. Zodiac Ray cut, I wounded used Policeman.
I now Lieutanant near forest Incline Robert's Office. Bob asked Belli's aid, must use him is attorney, brilliant.
Beat all, I Hughes used murderers all, Bob all battled off ravine in forest, now lost near Incline (Way).
Linda (Christensen) Napa, hid I dead. At forest Incline two at ravine, often Gottlieb knifed throat, Ann is nurse.
Near Incline (Way) Ann, throat knifed Gottlieb often. Ravine at Tahoe in forest. Dead identified, Hughes nurse loved.
Took Ann, Junior. Bob knifed Gottlieb. Bob as murderer used Gottlieb killer. Ray's Office Incline near, killer's gun.
Gunman killer now is Officer Robert. Killer Gottlieb, used murderers all bloody. Gottlieb knifed Bob. Junior at Tahoe.
Gottlieb knifed Sheriff Officer. Used murderer angry Bob knifed Gottlieb, fought in Tahoe at forest Incline used.
Used Incline forest at Tahoe, in fight Gottlieb knifed Bob, angry murderer used. Officer Schwartz knifed Gottlieb.
Now Lieutenant Robert poisoner you. KGO spoke now Louis. Land now willed is trouble.
Trash (two) in willed now land, Louis nudist. Sheriff's own gun killed, you poisoner Robert lone now.
Bad as Officer Sheriff, Gottlieb knifed used murderer, Robert Officer vicious. Ray cut Robert, battled at forest.
Forest all battled, Robert cut Ray. Vicious Officer Robert murderer used, knifed Gottlieb, Sheriff Officer all bloody.
Office Sheriff, Robert's Office. Robert's victim, right victim Junior's buried behind at forest, Irene you poisoned Robert.
Robert poisoner you Incline, forest at both behind, Junior's victim right, victim Robert's, Officer Robert Schwartz Office.
Donna Ann knifing gruesome. Lass nursed Junior. Bought iodine now poisoner you. Woods in Officer Schwartz hurt.
Hurt Sheriff Officer, I wounded. Your poison now Incline bought. Junior's Nurse, Letterman (VA-Hospital) Gottlieb knifed Ann, decapitated.
Woods Incline murderers used. I now Officer Schwartz took Ann's car. Robert beat and buried Ann, identified. (found)
I, Ann beat and buried. Ray cut Ann's throat, saw Officer, near Incline used murderers in woods.
You poisoned Irene Nancy Gottlieb. Killers fought I murderers used, Edward battled I near (Kings) Castle right now.
Now Ray crazy near Incline, big Edward used, murderers in fight knifed. Graves near Incline poisoner you.
Knifed Gottlieb fighting, I Junior beat. Bob as Policeman used, Ray vicious, Lieutenant now murderer used.
Used murderer now Lieutenant. Vicious Ray used Policeman. All beat but Junior in fight got knifed.
Bob as Policeman used Office Sheriff. Used murderers Bob, Alex usually murdered winos in dark asleep too.
Tramps all dead I wanted more used Alex, Bob. Murderers used Sheriff Officer, used Policeman a boob.