Everlasting nonsense
Michael Cole has a great recent post on his site concerning the flood of web traffic again generated by the interest in Corey Starliper’s debunked claim of a solution to the 340-character cipher. Michael’s indictment of shoddy journalism is spot…
Mobile codebreaking
This new Zodiac-related iPhone app was released recently by Rene Lowack: Reveal the mysterious secret of the still unsolved encrypted Zodiac letter. Zodiac was a serial killer active in California during the late 1960s and early 1970s. After killing, he…
Throw the book at him! [Part 2]
In Part 1, we looked out how to use Project Gutenberg‘s large collection of about 39,000 digitized books to apply cribs to cipher texts to try to tease out solutions. Another way we can use the collection of books is…
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